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WRLRS Strategy & Leadership Team

Wigan Rugby League Referee Society is committed to developing a clear strategy for nurturing and providing the next generation of officials while addressing the issue of referee abuse. This proactive approach is essential for the growth and sustainability of the sport. Here's a breakdown of how the society can implement its strategy to address these challenges:

  1. Structured Development Pathway: Create a well-defined and structured development pathway for referees, starting from the grassroots level. This should include mentoring, training, and assessments to ensure that referees are fully prepared for their roles. Avoid rushing new referees into high-stakes games before they are ready.

  2. Mentorship Program: Establish a mentorship program where experienced referees guide and support newcomers. Mentors can provide valuable insights, feedback, and emotional support to help referees cope with challenging situations, such as referee abuse.

  3. Educational Workshops: Organize educational workshops and seminars for both referees and coaches. This can help increase awareness of the challenges referees face and promote respect for officials within the rugby community.

  4. Clear Communication: Maintain clear and open communication with all stakeholders, including players, coaches, and spectators. Make the expectations regarding referee conduct and sportsmanship explicit, and encourage respectful behavior towards officials.

  5. Support and Counselling: Recognize the emotional toll that referee abuse can take on officials. Offer support services and counseling to referees who have experienced abuse to help them cope and continue in their roles.

  6. Recruitment Initiatives: Actively recruit and engage with potential referees from a young age. Encourage rugby enthusiasts to take up refereeing and provide them with a positive and supportive environment to learn and grow.

  7. Feedback Mechanism: Establish a feedback mechanism for players, coaches, and spectators to provide constructive criticism and feedback on referees' performances. This can help improve the quality of officiating and enhance the overall rugby experience.

  8. Community Engagement: Engage with the local community and clubs to foster a sense of unity and sportsmanship. Collaborate with clubs to promote the importance of referees and the need for their fair treatment.

  9. Regular Evaluation: Continuously evaluate the effectiveness of your strategy by tracking referee retention rates, assessing the number of abuse incidents, and monitoring the progress of new officials. Adjust the strategy as needed based on the data and feedback received.

By implementing these measures, Wigan Rugby League Referee Society can create a more supportive and nurturing environment for referees, attract new talent, and ultimately contribute to the long-term success and growth of the sport.



Mark Harrison

As the Chairman of the Wigan Referees Society, I am honored to lead and represent this esteemed organization dedicated to the promotion of rugby league officiating and the pursuit of excellence in our sporting community. My journey in the world of rugby league refereeing has been both rewarding and transformative, and it is my privilege to contribute to the development of this incredible sport.
I assumed the role of Chairman January 2023, and since then, I have been committed to guiding the society towards its goals and objectives. In this capacity, My role involves overseeing the operations, supporting our dedicated referees, and fostering a spirit of camaraderie within our ranks.
At the heart of our mission is the promotion of integrity, fairness, and sportsmanship in the world of rugby league. As Chairman, I work closely with the dedicated members of our society to ensure that these values are upheld, both on and off the field. I believe in the importance of nurturing an environment where referees can flourish, continuously improve, and feel a sense of belonging within our rugby league family.
One of my key objectives as Chairman is to strengthen relationships with key stakeholders, including players, coaches, clubs, and fans. Building and maintaining these relationships is essential to the continued growth and success of our sport.
I am excited about the future of rugby league in our community and the positive impact that the Wigan Referees Society can have on the sport. I am proud to serve as Chairman and look forward to the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead as we work together to elevate rugby league officiating in our region.

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